Complete Loan Comparison

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Required Input

  1. $

  1. %
  2. m
  3. %
  4. $
  5. $
  6. $
  1. %
  2. m
  3. %
  4. $
  5. $
  6. $


  1. $
  2. $
  3. $
  1. $
  2. $
  3. $
Calculator Assumptions

Compare two different loans using their individual honeymoon rates, upfront fees, monthly fees and discharge fees. It will show the total interest accumulated for each loan and which of the two lenders will cost you more.


  • Both Loans are based on the common loan amount and term.
  • One year is 52 weeks exactly and a month is 52/12 weeks.
  • Interest is calculated by compounding monthly.
  • Repayments are made at the start of each period.
  • Rounding is made at the end of the calculations and not at each payment period.
  • You can email your results to yourself and if you request, a copy of your results and contact information is sent to the web site owner.
  • You can print your results for future reference.
  • You should consult a finance professional before you make decisions based on this calculator.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this calculator, the results should be used as indication only. They are neither a quote nor a pre-qualification for a home loan.