Comparison Rate Calculator


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A principal and Interest loan calculator with a honeymoon rate and period with the addition of calculating the comparison rate.

The Comparison rate takes into account all periodic fees, establishment fees and discharge fees. It can give you a more accurate idea of how much you can expect to pay over the life of your loan.


  • Comparison rates in advertisments are calculated based on a 25yr term and a loan amount of $150,000 loan.
  • Interest rates remain the same for the term of the loan.
  • One year is 52 weeks exactly, a month is 52/12 weeks.
  • Interest is calculated by compounding monthly.
  • Repayments are made at the start of each period.
  • It does not take into account up-front fees and monthly/annual account fees.
  • Rounding is made at the end of the calculations and not at each payment period
  • You can email your results to yourself and if you request, a copy of your results and contact information is sent to the web site owner.
  • You can print your results for future reference.
  • You should consult a finance professional before you make decisions based on this calculator.


Fixed monthly repayments


Ongoing monthly repayments


Total repayments


Disclaimer:These Calculators are for illustrative purposes and do not constitute advice or a guarantee of a loan approval.